I am the author of Design for the Mind: Seven psychological principals of persuasive design, for Manning Publications. Design for the Mind covers the application of principles of psychology to the everyday work of designers. You can purchase Design for the Mind here or through Amazon.
I write about a broad range of topics. My current interests include the application of psychological theory to digital design, user research, reducing the abuse of alcohol in design and tech, and innovation. I have linked to a number of my articles in the Featured Works section of this site.
I am available for speaking engagements and workshops. Please check out the video of my Alterconf Minneapolis presentation below, for an example of my speaking. I frequently present at professional conferences. I am willing to customize content, length, and activities for onsite presentations and workshops. Please contact me if you'd like more information on scheduling a speaking engagement or workshop.
It Shouldn't Come With the Job: Addressing the Culture of Alcohol Use and Abuse in Design and Tech by Victor Yocco Alterconf Minneapolis 2016
“If I had a web conference to organize, I’d definitely invite Victor Yocco”
- March 16, 2017 PhillyCHI, Philadelphia, PA
- May
- Full Stack Toronto 2016
- Interdisciplinary Interaction Design Conference 2016
- PANMA - Hiring for Culture Panel July 28, 2016
- 2016 IA Summit
- 2016 UXPA Conference
- Alterconf Minneapolis
- Booster Conference
- 2016 World IA Day Philadelphia (organizer)
- 2015 BigDesign Conference
- 2015 Penn State University Web Conference
- 2015 MinneWebCon
- 2015 Convey UX